- This firm with great experience at national level, to promote invalidity proceedings before the Federal Court of Administrative Justice against requirements, settlements, class dictum and risk premium, constituent capital, fines, home visits and cabinet reviews, employer substitutions and administrative enforcement procedures.
- Appeals against Social Security’s acts (IMSS).
- Appeals against INFONAVIT’s acts.
- Claims for the fulfillment of quota reversion agreements.
- Study and lodge of conclusive agreements regarding social security before PRODECON.
- Attention of invitations of SELF-CORRECTION and EMPLOYER CORRECTIONS before IMSS’s audit area (throughout the national territory).
- We are specialists in attending reviews of public and private works constructions both in the inspection phase and in the fiscal defense in case of determination of excessive employer-employee fees. Being the members of this firm exhibitors and trainers at the national level on the subject of “SIROC”, before “SATIC”, in the face of various institutions such as Cámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción (CMIC) and Colegio De Contadores Públicos de México (CCPM).
For several years, this firm has had the adequate knowledge to attend payment and garnishment requirements, made by executors of the IMSS, as well as to carry out challenges against the appraisals made and auction of assets, in order to grant protection and peace to our clients.