This firm has had a great prestige designing and realizing legal defense strategies against:
- Determination of tax credits in foreign trade matters.
- Determination of undervaluation merchandise.
- Imposition of sanction for inaccurate general data.
- Determination of inaccurate tariff classification.
- Determination of surplus or missing merchandise.
- Determination of breach with non-tariff regulations or restrictions.
- Resolutions derived from verification at origin.
- Tax residence determination or false RFC.
- Determination of false invoice or origin certificate.
- Unsubscribe in the importer’s census.
- Home visit and cabinet review.
- Verification of merchandise.
- Precautionary garnishment.
- Determination of tax credits in foreign trade matters by the Finance Ministries of the states.
- Resolution of returns of balances in favor of the Value Added Tax or payment of the undue in the customs matters and foreign trade.
- Determination of customs valuation.
- Determination of undervaluation.
- Seizure of bank accounts in customs matters.
- Acts carried out within the Administrative Procedure of Execution in foreign trade matters.
- Resolutions on countervailing duties.
- Record of facts derived from customs recognition.
- Disqualification, suspension, cancellation, and extinction of customs patent.
- Sanctions imposed on fiscal precincts (strategic).
- Determination of abandoned merchandise.
Likewise, we provide services as:
- Legal request for financial compensation.
- Attention in specialized foreign trade chambers of the Federal Court of Administrative Justice (FCAJ).
- Preparation of administrative appeals for revocation.
- Claims for nullity and follow-up of the contentious administrative trail.
- Brief of evidence and pleadings.
- Attention to the records of facts or omissions drawn up by the customs authorities.
- Adoption of conclusive agreements on foreign trade (PRODECON).
- Tax criminal defense in foreign trade and customs matters.